ELNET’s Annual Report 2019

In 2019 Europe faced a considerable number of internal and external challenges, while Israel’s main challenge remained Iran’s destabilizing role in the region. 2019 also saw the passing of landmark parliament resolutions against BDS and antisemitism in Germany and France, and strong motions and legislation against Hezbollah in Germany and the UK. Israel increased bilateral cooperation with key European member states, yet disagreements remained on important policy issues including Iran and the Israeli- Palestinian conflict.

Over the past year, ELNET increased its impact by engaging close to 700 top decision-makers in its programs, marking a 39% increase over 2018, and reaching an audience of over 2,300 participants from the broader policy community. ELNET led and took part in 17 delegations to Israel, eight policy visits to Europe, six Strategic Dialogues, seven conferences and two roundtables.

To learn more about ELNET’s achievements and work, we invite you to read the Summary of ELNET’s Annual Report for 2019: