At the end of November, German ELNET alumni met for a briefing with the Israeli ambassador Jeremy Issacharoff. Due to the current Corona restrictions, the exclusive exchange was carried out virtually.
After a welcome by Executive Director Carsten Ovens, Ambassador Issacharoff reported in a confidential atmosphere on the Abraham Accords, which were recently concluded bilaterally between Israel and the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Sudan. The effects are not only positive for Israel and the participating Arab states, but could also strengthen and stabilize the entire region.
Ambassador Issacharoff also emphasized that the foundations for the most recent successes of Israeli foreign policy were laid over 25 years ago. The normalization agreements offer all actors the opportunity to shape a better future in the interests of future generations.
The historical agreements not only aim to establish and expand diplomatic relations, but also enable extensive cooperation in business, science and security issues. Particularly in times of crisis, positive news like this convey enormous confidence. Hopefully the normalization process will also capture other seemingly deadlocked conflicts in the region and have a positive effect. Germany could and should use the momentum to take on a more active role in the region in the best possible sense.
Formats such as this year’s ELNET Alumni Dialog are an integral part of the work of ELNET Germany. Political decision-makers and disseminators, including government representatives and members of parliament, regularly take part in the events. In addition to personal encounters, the network organizes a constant and sustainable exchange between actors from Europe and Israel. Together with its supporters and partners, ELNET Germany makes a special contribution to strengthening and expanding German-Israeli relations on the basis of shared values and interests.